64hexagrams-47 kun gua-Lake Waer Kun(泽水困)

If you work hard, you will prosper; We should uphold righteousness and solidity.Princes and nobles can gain good luck and not be blamed.What is said at this time may not be believed.

The lake is dry, which is the sign of Kun. A gentleman observes this divinatory image, encourages himself in a difficult situation, becomes stronger in poverty, and sacrifices his life to fulfil his long cherished ambition.


The situation is very bad and suffers great difficulties. Life is facing a great test, and if you adopt improper means, you will get deeper and deeper into it. On the contrary, if you are trapped in a difficult situation and do not lose your integrity, self-motivated and self-strengthening, you will be able to deal with it calmly. Do not lose your will. Eventually can be accomplished.


Faced with fierce competition, the possibility of bankruptcy. Do not be disappointed, but should be struggling in difficult times. To this end, can only rely on weekdays to strengthen the cultivation. Seriously reflect on their own behavior, sum up the lessons learned, rise again, but should not be impatient, should be slow and progressive. At the same time, we should be more wary of getting rich and getting carried away and falling into a new predicament.

Sleepy Gua is an unlucky hexagram, which can also be seen from its name. If you have divined it, you should not hope for a smooth marriage affair, but should be fully prepared mentally for the challenges that will come soon. Whether you can overcome all the difficulties depends on your determination and courage.

Lake Waer Kun(泽水困)Embroidered shirt with Chinese character

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